晨读美文推荐【英文悦读】-《a day so happy》

    xiaoxiao2021-12-15  42

    晨读美文推荐【英文悦读】-《a day so happy》 a day so happy. 愉快的一天。 Fog lifted early. i worked in the garden. 早晨起了雾,我在花园里干活。 Hummingbirds were stopping over the honeysuckle flowers. 蜂鸟正停落在金银花上。 There was nothing on earth i wanted to possess. 我不想占有世界上的任何东西。 i knew no one worth my envying him. 我自知没有人值得我去嫉妒。 Whatever evil i had suffered , i forgot. 所有我所经历的不幸都已忘却。 To think that once i was the same man did not embarrass me. 当我想到我还是原来的那个我时我就不再感到困扰。 In my body i felt no pain. 我身上感觉不到任何疼痛。 When straightening up , i saw blue sea and sails.  调整好了,看见蓝色的大海我就起航了。
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