Transclusion is an Angular 1.x term, lost in the rewrite of Angular 2, so let’s bring it back for this article just concept clarity. The word “transclusion” may be gone, but the concepts remain.
Essentially, transclusion in Angular 1.x is/was taking content such as a text node or HTML, and injecting it into a template at a specific entry point.
This is now done in Angular 2 through modern web APIs such as Shadow DOM and known as “Content Projection”. Let’s explore!
For those coming from an Angular 1.x background, transclusion looks a little like this with the .directive() API (if you know this already please pass Go and collect £200):
In Angular 1.x, we can designate a single slot to transclude content into:
function myComponent() { scope: {}, transclude: true, template: ` <div class="my-component"> <div ng-transclude></div> </div> ` }; angular .module('app') .directive('myComponent', myComponent);We can then use the Directive as follows:
<my-component> This is my transcluded content! </my-component>The compiled HTML output would then evaluate to:
<my-component> <div class="my-component"> <div ng-transclude> This is my transcluded content! </div> </div> </my-component>We can also define multiple entry points in Angular 1.5+ using an Object as the value:
function myComponent() { scope: {}, transclude: { slotOne: 'p', slotTwo: 'div' }, template: ` <div class="my-component"> <div ng-transclude="slotOne"></div> <div ng-transclude="slotTwo"></div> </div> ` }; angular .module('app') .directive('myComponent', myComponent);Directive usage would be matching 'p' and 'div' tags in the above example to the relevant slots:
<my-component> <p> This is my transcluded content! </p> <div> Further content </div> </my-component>Evaluated DOM output:
<my-component> <div class="my-component"> <div ng-transclude="slotOne"> <p> This is my transcluded content! </p> </div> <div ng-transclude="slotTwo"> <div> Further content </div> </div> </div> </my-component>So now we know what we’re looking at from an Angular 1.x perspective, we can easily migrate this concept to Angular 2. However, if you’ve not used Angular 1.x, fear not as this concept is easily demonstrated above on how to inject content into another element or Component.
In Web Components, we had the <content> element, which was recently deprecated, which acted as a Shadow DOM insertion point. Angular 2 allows Shadow DOM through the use of ViewEncapsulation. Early alpha versions of Angular 2 adopted the <content>element, however due to the nature of a bunch of Web Component helper elements being deprecated, it was changed to <ng-content>.
In Angular 2’s single-slot content projection, the boilerplate is so much nicer and more descriptive. We simply use the <ng-content>element in our Component and that’s it:
// my-component.component.ts import {Component} from 'angular2/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-component', template: ` <div class="my-component"> <ng-content></ng-content> </div> ` }) export class MyComponent {}Now to use the element we import {MyComponent}, include it as a dependency in directives: [] and project some content between those <my-content> tags:
// app.component.ts import {Component} from 'angular2/core'; import {MyComponent} from './my-component.component'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <div class="app"> <my-component> This is my transcluded content! </my-component> </div> `, directives: [ MyComponent ] }) export class AppComponent {}DOM output:
<div class="app"> <my-component> <div class="my-component"> This is my transcluded content! </div> </my-component> </div>Live output:
Multi-slot is just as easy as you’d think as well. Much like multi-slot in Angular 1.x, we use named slots again. However the only difference is instead of aliasing the DOM reference against a custom transclude: {} property, we talk to the DOM node directly.
Let’s assume the following markup inside out Angular 2 my-app Component:
// app.component.ts @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <div class="app"> <my-component> <my-component-title> This is the Component title! </my-component-title> <my-component-content> And here's some awesome content. </my-component-content> </my-component> </div> `, directives: [ MyComponent ] })Here we’re using custom elements, which are not created as separate components, merely just node references. Let’s grab those references and tell Angular to inject where appropriate. The only change we need to make from Angular 1.x thinking is adding a dedicated select="" attribute to the <ng-content> element:
// my-component.component.ts @Component({ selector: 'my-component', template: ` <div class="my-component"> <div> Title: <ng-content select="my-component-title"></ng-content> </div> <div> Content: <ng-content select="my-component-content"></ng-content> </div> </div> ` })This internally fetches the relevant DOM node, which in this case are <my-component-title> and <my-component-content>.
DOM output:
<div class="app"> <my-component> <div class="my-component"> <div> Title: <my-component-title> This is the Component title! </my-component-title> </div> <div> Content: <my-component-content> And here's some awesome content. </my-component-content> </div> </div> </my-component> </div>Live output:
We don’t have to use a custom element approach as above when declaring content to be projected, we can use regular elements and target them the way we talk to elements with document.querySelector:
// app.component.ts @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <div class="app"> <my-component> <div class="my-component-title"> This is the Component title! </div> <div class="my-component-content"> And here's some awesome content. </div> </my-component> </div> `, directives: [ MyComponent ] })And corresponding template changes inside MyComponent:
// my-component.component.ts template: ` <div class="my-component"> <div> Title: <ng-content select=".my-component-title"></ng-content> </div> <div> Content: <ng-content select=".my-component-content"></ng-content> </div> </div> `