taffydb -- 开源的JS数据库 感觉要集成好了也是不错的选择

    xiaoxiao2022-06-29  42

    /* Software License Agreement (BSD License) http://taffydb.com Copyright (c) 2008 All rights reserved. Version 1.6 Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following condition is met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUMMARY: TAFFY takes a JavaScript object and returns a set of methods to search, modify, and manipulate that object. */ // Setup TAFFY Function (nameSpace) to return an object with methods. if (typeof TAFFY=="undefined"||!TAFFY) { var TAFFY = function (obj) { var conf = { template:null }, T = TAFFY, raw = (T.isString(obj)) ? T.JSON.parse(obj) : obj, TOb = raw, TIA = [], t = true, f=false; // **************************************** // * // * Create prvate mergeTemp function // * Loop over set of indexes and apply a template to the record // * // **************************************** var mergeTemp = function (rows,tmpl) { var tmpl = (TAFFY.isUndefined(tmpl)) ? conf.template : tmpl; if (!TAFFY.isNull(tmpl)) { for(var x = 0; x < rows.length; x++) { TOb[rows[x]] = TAFFY.mergeObj(TOb[rows[x]],tmpl); } } } // **************************************** // * // * Create prvate bTIA function // * Loop over every index within the Taffy Object TOb // * and populate the Taffy Index Array TIA with the indexes // * // **************************************** var bTIA = function () { TIA = []; for(var x = 0; x < TOb.length; x++) { TIA[TIA.length] = x; } } bTIA(); // **************************************** // * // * Create prvate findTests Object // * Collect all possible true/false expression used when // * doing lookups via the public find method. // * Purpose: Used to house and document all of the // * possible ways to match a value to a field with the // * TAFFY Object. Each of the contained functions does an // * evaluation against a value from the TAFFY Obj and a test // * provided by the caller of the find method. If this // * evaluation is true then the find method will add // * the TAFFY Object record to the results set. // * // **************************************** var findTests = { pickTest:function(Tt) { var m = (Tt.indexOf("!") === 0) ? f : t; if (!m) { Tt = Tt.substring(1,Tt.length); } return {test:(Tt == 'equal') ? 'is' : (Tt == 'notequal') ? 'not' : (Tt == 'startswith') ? 'starts' : (Tt == 'endswith') ? 'ends' : (Tt == 'greaterthan') ? 'gt' : (Tt == 'lessthan') ? 'lt' : (Tt == 'regexppass') ? 'regex' : Tt,mode:(m) ? {s:t,f:f} : {s:f,f:t}}; }, run:function(s,mvalue,mtest,b) { return ((s=="regex") ? (mtest.test(mvalue)) : (s=="lt") ? (mvalue < mtest) : (s=="gt") ? (mvalue > mtest) : (s=="starts") ? (mvalue.indexOf(mtest) === 0) : (s=="ends") ? (mvalue.substring((mvalue.length - mtest.length)) == mtest) : (s=="like") ? (mvalue.indexOf(mtest) >= 0) : (s=="is") ? (mvalue == mtest) : (s=="has") ? (T.has(mvalue,mtest)) : (s=="hasAll") ? (T.hasAll(mvalue,mtest)) : (s=="length") ? (findTests.length(mvalue,mtest,b)) : findTests[s](mvalue,mtest)) ? b.s : b.f; }, length:function (mvalue,mtest,b) { // If a value length exits and meets filter criteria var rlen = (!T.isUndefined(mvalue.length)) ? mvalue.length : (!T.isUndefined(mvalue.getLength)) ? mvalue.getLength() : 0; if (T.isObject(mtest)) { for(var kt in mtest) { if (mtest.hasOwnProperty(kt)) { var pt = findTests.pickTest(kt); return findTests.run(pt.test,rlen,mtest[kt],pt.mode) ? t : f; } } } // default return return rlen == mtest ? b.s : b.f; } }; // Add in isObjectType checks (function () { for(var z in TAFFY) { if (TAFFY.hasOwnProperty(z) && z.indexOf("is") === 0) { (function (y) { findTests["is" + y] = function (mvalue,mtest,b) { return (TAFFY["is" + y](mvalue) == mtest) ? t : f; } }(z.substring(2,z.length))) } } } ()); // **************************************** // * // * Create prvate bDexArray method // * Return an array of indexes // * Purpose: Used to create a variable that is an // * array that contains the indexes of the records // * that an action should be taken on. If a single // * number is passed then an array is created with that // * number being in postion 0. If an array is passed // * in then that array is returned. If no value is // * passed in then an array containing every index // * in the TAFFY Obj is returned. If an object is passed // * then a call to the find function is made and the // * resulting array of indexes returned. // * // **************************************** var bDexArray = function (iA,f) { var rA = []; if (!T.isArray(iA) && TAFFY.isNumber(iA)) { rA[rA.length] = iA; } else if (T.isArray(iA)) { rA = iA; } else if (T.isObject(iA)) { rA = f(iA); } else if (!T.isArray(iA) && !T.isNumber(iA)) { rA = TIA; } return rA; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create private toLogicalArray method // * return custom array for use in array.sort based on sort obj // * argument // * Purpose: This is used by the buildSortFunction function in the case // * of logical and logicaldesc sort types. This function splits a complex // * value into an array so that each array item can be compared against // * the item at the index in each value. // * // **************************************** var toLogicalArray = function (value) { var rArray = [0],type = "none"; if (!T.isNull(value) && !T.isUndefined(value)) { for(var n = 0;n<value.length;n++) { var c = value.slice(n,(n+1)); if (T.isNumeric(c)) { if (type != 'number') { rArray[rArray.length] = c; type = 'number'; } else { rArray[(rArray.length-1)] = rArray[(rArray.length-1)] + "" + c; } } else { if (type != 'string') { rArray[rArray.length] = c; type = 'string'; } else { rArray[(rArray.length-1)] = rArray[(rArray.length-1)] + c; } } } for(var n = 0;n<rArray.length;n++) { if (T.isNumeric(rArray[n])) { rArray[n] = parseFloat(rArray[n]); } } } else { rArray[rArray.length] = null; } return rArray; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create private buildSortFunction method // * return custom sort function for use in array.sort based on sort obj // * argument // * Purpose: This is used by the orderBy method to create a custom sort // * function for use with array.sort(). This sort function will be unique // * based on the field list supplied in the sortobj argument. // * // **************************************** var buildSortFunction = function (sortobj) { var custO = [],localO = []; if (T.isString(sortobj)) { localO[0] = sortobj; } else if (T.isObject(sortobj)) { localO = [sortobj]; } else { localO = sortobj; } // create the custO which contains instructions // for the returned sort function if (T.isArray(localO)) { for(var sa = 0; sa < localO.length; sa++) { if (T.isString(localO[sa])) { if (T.isString(TOb[0][localO[sa]])) { custO[custO.length] = {sortCol : localO[sa], sortDir : "asc", type : "string"}; } else { custO[custO.length] = {sortCol : localO[sa], sortDir : "asc", type : "number"}; } } else if (T.isObject(localO[sa])) { for(var sc in localO[sa]) { if (localO[sa].hasOwnProperty(sc)) { if (T.isString(TOb[0][localO[sa].sortCol])) { custO[custO.length] = {sortCol : sc, sortDir : localO[sa][sc], type : "string"}; } else { custO[custO.length] = {sortCol : sc, sortDir : localO[sa][sc], type : "number"}; } } } } } }; // Return the sort function to the calling object. return function (a,b) { var returnvar = 0,r1=a,r2=b,x,y; // loop over the custO and test each sort // instruction set against records x and y to see which // should appear first in the final array sort for(var sa = 0; sa < custO.length; sa++) { if (returnvar === 0) { x = r1[custO[sa]["sortCol"]]; y = r2[custO[sa]["sortCol"]]; if (custO[sa].type == 'string'){ x = (T.isString(x)) ? x.toLowerCase() : x; y = (T.isString(y)) ? y.toLowerCase() : y; } if (custO[sa].sortDir == 'desc') { if (T.isNull(y) || T.isUndefined(y) || y < x) { returnvar = -1; } else if (T.isNull(x) || T.isUndefined(x) || x < y){ returnvar = 1; } } else if (custO[sa].sortDir == 'logical') { x = toLogicalArray(x); y = toLogicalArray(y); for(var z = 0;z<y.length;z++) { if (x[z] < y[z] && z < x.length) { returnvar = -1; break; } else if (x[z] > y[z]){ returnvar = 1; break; } } if (x.length < y.length && returnvar==0) { returnvar = -1; } else if (x.length > y.length && returnvar==0) { returnvar = 1; } } else if (custO[sa].sortDir == 'logicaldesc') { x = toLogicalArray(x); y = toLogicalArray(y); for(var z = 0;z<y.length;z++) { if (x[z] > y[z] && z < x.length) { returnvar = -1; break; } else if (x[z] < y[z]){ returnvar = 1; break; } } if (x.length < y.length && returnvar==0) { returnvar = 1; } else if (x.length > y.length && returnvar==0) { returnvar = -1; } } else { if (T.isNull(x) || T.isUndefined(x) || x < y) { returnvar = -1; } else if (T.isNull(y) || T.isUndefined(y) || x > y){ returnvar = 1; } } } }; return returnvar; }; }; // **************************************** // * // * Return Obj containing Methods // * // **************************************** return { // **************************************** // * // * This is a simple true flag to identify // * the returned collection as being created by // * TAFFY() // * // **************************************** TAFFY:true, // **************************************** // * // * Get the length of the TAFFY collection. // * // **************************************** getLength:function () { return TOb.length; }, // **************************************** // * // * This is the date of the last change // * to the TAFFY object. // * // **************************************** lastModifyDate:new Date(), // **************************************** // * // * Create public find method // * Returns array of index numbers for matching array values // * Purpose: This takes an obj that defines a set of match // * cases for use against the TOb. Matching indexes are // * added to an array and then returned to the user. This is the // * primary "lookup" feature of TAFFY and is how you find individual // * or sets of records for use in update, remove, get, etc. // * // **************************************** find : function (matchObj,findFilter) { // define findMatches array and findMatchesLoaded flag var findIndex = 0; // if findFilter is provided use findFilter to start findMatches array // otherwise use TIA which contains all indexes of the TOb if (T.isArray(findFilter)) { var findMatches = findFilter; } else { var findMatches = TIA; } // if matchObject is a function run it against every item in findMatches if (T.isFunction(matchObj)) { var thisMatchArray = []; // loop over every element in the findMatches for(var d = 0; d < findMatches.length; d++) { // add to matched item list if function returns true if (matchObj(TOb[d],d)) { thisMatchArray[thisMatchArray.length] = findMatches[d]; } } findMatches = thisMatchArray; } else { // loop over attributes in matchObj for (var mi in matchObj){ // default matchType, matchValue, matchField var matchType = 'is',matchValue = '',matchField = mi,matchMode = {s:t,f:f},pt = {}; // If the matchObj attribute is an object if (T.isObject(matchObj[mi])) { // loop over match field attributes for (var fi in matchObj[mi]){ // switch over attributes, extract data pt = findTests.pickTest(fi); matchType = pt.test; matchMode = pt.mode; matchValue = matchObj[mi][fi]; } } // If the matchObj attribute is not an object else { // set the match value to the value provided matchValue = matchObj[mi]; } //define thisMatchArray for this find method var thisMatchArray = []; // loop over every element in the findMatches for(var d = 0; d < findMatches.length; d++) { // if the value is an array of values, loop rather than do 1 to 1 if (T.isArray(matchValue) && matchType != 'isSameArray' && matchType != 'hasAll') { // call the correct filter based on matchType and add the record if the filter returns true for(var md = 0; md < matchValue.length; md++) { if (findTests.run(matchType,TOb[findMatches[d]][matchField],matchValue[md],matchMode)) { thisMatchArray[thisMatchArray.length] = findMatches[d]; } } } // if the value is a function call function and append index if it returns true else if (T.isFunction(matchValue) && matchValue(TOb[findMatches[d]][matchField],d)) { thisMatchArray[thisMatchArray.length] = findMatches[d]; } // if the value is not an array but a single value // If an exact match is found then add it to the array else if (findTests.run(matchType,TOb[findMatches[d]][matchField],matchValue,matchMode)) { thisMatchArray[thisMatchArray.length] = findMatches[d]; } } findMatches = thisMatchArray; }; } // Garther only unique finds findMatches = T.gatherUniques(findMatches); return findMatches; }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public remove method // * Purpose: This is used to remove a record from // * the TOb by an index or an array of indexes. // * // **************************************** remove : function (dex) { var removeIndex = bDexArray(dex,this.find); // loop over removeIndex and set each record to remove // this is done so all records are flagged for remove // before the size of the array changes do to the splice // function below for(var di = 0; di < removeIndex.length; di++) { if (this.onRemove != null) { this.onRemove(TOb[removeIndex[di]]); } TOb[removeIndex[di]] = 'remove'; } // nested function find delete var removeRemaining = function () { for(var tdi = 0; tdi < TOb.length; tdi++) { if (TOb[tdi] === 'remove') { return t; } } return f; }; // loop over TOb and remove all rows set to remove while (removeRemaining()) { for(var tdi = 0; tdi < TOb.length; tdi++) { if (TOb[tdi] === 'remove') { TOb.splice(tdi,1); // update lastModifyDate this.lastModifyDate = new Date(); } } } // populate TIA bTIA(); return removeIndex; } , // **************************************** // * // * Create public insert method // * Purpose: this takes an obj and inserts it into // * the TAFFY Obj array // * // **************************************** insert : function (newRecordObj) { if (this.onInsert != null) { this.onInsert(newRecordObj); } // Do insert TOb[TOb.length] = (TAFFY.isNull(conf.template)) ? newRecordObj : TAFFY.mergeObj(conf.template,newRecordObj);; // update lastModifyDate this.lastModifyDate = new Date(); // populate TIA TIA[TIA.length] = TOb.length-1; return [TOb.length-1]; } , // **************************************** // * // * Create public update method // * Purpose: This takes an obj of name/value // * pairs and then a set of 1 or more indexes // * and updates those records with in the TOb // * // **************************************** update : function (updateObj,dex) { var updateIndex = bDexArray(dex,this.find), updateCount=0; for(var d = 0; d < updateIndex.length; d++) { // set the updatedex var updateDex = updateIndex[d]; if (this.onUpdate != null) { this.onUpdate(updateObj,TOb[updateDex]); } // Merge Objects TOb[updateDex] = T.mergeObj(TOb[updateDex],updateObj); // add the updaecount updateCount++; } return updateIndex; } , // **************************************** // * // * Create public get method // * Purpose: This return an array containing // * the rows for a set of indexes. Used to get // * a record set with the help of the find // * function. Returns an empty array if // * no records are found. // * // **************************************** get : function (dex) { var nT = []; var getIndex = bDexArray(dex,this.find); // loop over all of the indexes for(var d = 0; d < getIndex.length; d++) { // add the TOb to the newTAFFYArray array nT[nT.length] = TOb[getIndex[d]]; } return nT; }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public first method // * Purpose: This returns the first row // * from a set of indexes. Used to get // * a record with the help of the find // * function. Returns false if no records // * are found. // * // **************************************** first : function (dex) { var getIndex = bDexArray(dex,this.find); return (getIndex.length > 0) ? TOb[getIndex[0]] : false; }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public last method // * Purpose: This returns the last row // * from a set of indexes. Used to get // * a record with the help of the find // * function. Returns false if no records // * are found. // * // **************************************** last : function (dex) { var getIndex = bDexArray(dex,this.find); return (getIndex.length > 0) ? TOb[getIndex[(getIndex.length - 1)]] : false; }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public stringify method // * Purpose: This returns a string JSON array // * from a set of indexes. Used to get records // * for handling by AJAX or other langauges. // * // **************************************** stringify : function (dex) { return T.JSON.stringify(this.get(dex)); }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public orderBy method // * Purpose: Reorder the array according // * to a list of fields. Very useful for // * ordering tables or other types of // * sorting. // * // **************************************** orderBy : function (Obj) { // Only attempt to sort if there is a length // to the TAFFY array if (TOb.length > 0) { // Use the private buildSortFunction method // to create a custom sort function var customSort = buildSortFunction(Obj); // Call JavaScript's array.sort with the custom // sort function TOb.sort(customSort); // update lastModifyDate this.lastModifyDate = new Date(); } }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public forEach method // * Purpose: Loop over every item in a TOb // * (or at least the ones passed in the forIndex) // * and call the provided user created function. // * // **************************************** forEach : function (func2call,dex) { var forIndex = bDexArray(dex,this.find); var row; // loop over all of the indexes for(var fe = 0; fe < forIndex.length; fe++) { // get this row from the TOb row = TOb[forIndex[fe]]; // call the function passed in to the method var nr = func2call(row,forIndex[fe]); // If nr is an object then set the row equal to the new object if (T.isObject(nr)) { if (TAFFY.isSameObject(nr,TAFFY.EXIT)) { break; } else { this.update(nr,forIndex[fe]) } } }; }, // **************************************** // * // * config variable object // * // **************************************** config:{ // **************************************** // * // * Create public set method // * Purpose: Set a config value // * // **************************************** set:function (n,v) { conf[n] = v; if (n == 'template' && !TAFFY.isNull(v)) { mergeTemp(TIA,v); } }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public get method // * Purpose: Get a config value // * // **************************************** get:function (n) { return conf[n]; } }, // **************************************** // * // * Create public stringify method // * Purpose: This returns a string JSON array // * from a set of indexes. Used to get records // * for handling by AJAX or other langauges. // * // **************************************** applyTemplate : function (tmp,dex) { var getIndex = bDexArray(dex,this.find); mergeTemp(getIndex,tmp); }, // **************************************** // * // * Empty On Update Event - This can be replaced with a function // * to call a custom action as each record is updated. // * // **************************************** onUpdate:null, // **************************************** // * // * Empty On Remove Event - This can be replaced with a function // * to call a custom action as each record is removed. // * // **************************************** onRemove:null, // **************************************** // * // * Empty On Insert Event - This can be replaced with a function // * to call a custom action as each record is inserted. // * // **************************************** onInsert:null }; }; // **************************************** // * // * TAFFY Public Utilities // * Accessed via TAFFY[methodname]() // * // **************************************** // **************************************** // * // * typeOf Fixed in JavaScript as public utility // * // **************************************** TAFFY.typeOf = function (v) { var s = typeof v; if (s === 'object') { if (v) { if (typeof v.length === 'number' && !(v.propertyIsEnumerable('length')) && typeof v.splice === 'function') { s = 'array'; } } else { s = 'null'; } } return s; }; // **************************************** // * // * JSON Object Handler / public utility // * See http://www.JSON.org/js.html // * The following JSON Object is Public Domain // * No warranty expressed or implied. Use at your own risk. // * // **************************************** TAFFY.JSON = function () { function f(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; } Date.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z'; }; var m = { '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '"' : '\\"', '\\': '\\\\' }; function stringify(value, whitelist) { var a,i,k,l, r = /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g,v; switch (typeof value) { case 'string': return r.test(value) ? '"' + value.replace(r, function (a) { var c = m[a]; if (c) { return c; } c = a.charCodeAt(); return '\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); }) + '"' : '"' + value + '"'; case 'number': return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null'; case 'boolean': case 'null': return String(value); case 'object': if (!value) { return 'null'; } if (typeof value.toJSON === 'function') { return stringify(value.toJSON()); } a = []; if (typeof value.length === 'number' && !(value.propertyIsEnumerable('length'))) { l = value.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { a.push(stringify(value[i], whitelist) || 'null'); } return '[' + a.join(',') + ']'; } if (whitelist) { l = whitelist.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { k = whitelist[i]; if (typeof k === 'string') { v = stringify(value[k], whitelist); if (v) { a.push(stringify(k) + ':' + v); } } } } else { for (k in value) { if (typeof k === 'string') { v = stringify(value[k], whitelist); if (v) { a.push(stringify(k) + ':' + v); } } } } return '{' + a.join(',') + '}'; } return ""; } return { stringify: stringify, parse: function (text, filter) { var j; function walk(k, v) { var i, n; if (v && typeof v === 'object') { for (i in v) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.apply(v, [i])) { n = walk(i, v[i]); if (n !== undefined) { v[i] = n; } else { delete v[i]; } } } } return filter(k, v); } if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\./g, '@'). replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']'). replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) { j = eval('(' + text + ')'); return typeof filter === 'function' ? walk('', j) : j; } throw new SyntaxError('parseJSON'); } }; }(); // **************************************** // * // * End JSON Code Object Handler // * // **************************************** // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility mergeObj method // * Return a new object where items from obj2 // * have replaced or been added to the items in // * obj1 // * Purpose: Used to combine objs // * // **************************************** TAFFY.mergeObj = function (ob1,ob2) { for(var n in ob2) { if (ob2.hasOwnProperty(n)) ob1[n] = ob2[n]; } return ob1; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility getObjectKeys method // * Returns an array of an objects keys // * Purpose: Used to get the keys for an object // * // **************************************** TAFFY.getObjectKeys = function (ob) { var kA = []; for(var n in ob) { if (ob.hasOwnProperty(n)) { kA[kA.length] = n; } } kA.sort(); return kA; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility isSameArray // * Returns an array of an objects keys // * Purpose: Used to get the keys for an object // * // **************************************** TAFFY.isSameArray = function (ar1,ar2) { return (TAFFY.isArray(ar1) && TAFFY.isArray(ar2) && ar1.join(",") == ar2.join(",")) ? true : false; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility isSameObject method // * Returns true if objects contain the same // * material or false if they do not // * Purpose: Used to comare objects // * // **************************************** TAFFY.isSameObject = function (ob1,ob2) { var T = TAFFY; if (T.isObject(ob1) && T.isObject(ob2)) { if (T.isSameArray(T.getObjectKeys(ob1),T.getObjectKeys(ob2))) { for(var n in ob1) { if (ob1.hasOwnProperty(n)) { if ((T.isObject(ob1[n]) && T.isObject(ob2[n]) && T.isSameObject(ob1[n],ob2[n])) || (T.isArray(ob1[n]) && T.isArray(ob2[n]) && T.isSameArray(ob1[n],ob2[n])) || (ob1[n] == ob2[n])) { } else { return false; } } } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility has method // * Returns true if a complex object, array // * or taffy collection contains the material // * provided in the second argument // * Purpose: Used to comare objects // * // **************************************** TAFFY.has = function(var1, var2){ var T = TAFFY; var re = true; if (T.isTAFFY(var1)) { re = var1.find(var2); if (re.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { switch (T.typeOf(var1)) { case "object": if (T.isObject(var2)) { for (var x in var2) { if (re == true && var2.hasOwnProperty(x) && !T.isUndefined(var1[x]) && var1.hasOwnProperty(x)) { re = T.has(var1[x], var2[x]); } else { return false; } } return re; } else if (T.isArray(var2)) { for (var x = 0; x < var2.length; x++) { re = T.has(var1, var2[x]); if (re == true) { return true; } } } else if (T.isString(var2) && var1[var2] != undefined) { return true; } break; case "array": if (T.isObject(var2)) { for (var n = 0; n < var1.length; n++) { re = T.has(var1[n], var2); if (re == true) { return true; } } } else if (T.isArray(var2)) { for (var x = 0; x < var2.length; x++) { for (var n = 0; n < var1.length; n++) { re = T.has(var1[n], var2[x]); if (re == true) { return true; } } } } else if (T.isString(var2)) { for (var n = 0; n < var1.length; n++) { re = T.has(var1[n], var2); if (re == true) { return true; } } } break; case "string": if (T.isString(var2) && var2 == var1) { return true; } break; default: if (T.typeOf(var1) == T.typeOf(var2) && var1 == var2) { return true; } break; } } return false; } // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility hasAll method // * Returns true if a complex object, array // * or taffy collection contains the material // * provided in the call - for arrays it must // * contain all the material in each array item // * Purpose: Used to comare objects // * // **************************************** TAFFY.hasAll = function (var1,var2) { var T = TAFFY; if (T.isArray(var2)) { var ar = true; for(var i = 0;i<var2.length;i++) { ar = T.has(var1,var2[i]); if(ar == false) { return ar; } } return true; } else { return T.has(var1,var2); } } // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility gatherUniques method // * Return a new array with only unique // * values from the passed array // * Purpose: Used to get unique indexes for find // * // **************************************** TAFFY.gatherUniques = function(a){ var uniques = []; for (var z = 0; z < a.length; z++) { var d = true; for (var c = 0; c < uniques.length; c++) { if (uniques[c] == a[z]) d = false; } if (d == true) uniques[uniques.length] = a[z]; } return uniques; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility is[DataType] methods // * Return true if obj is datatype, false otherwise // * Purpose: Used to determine if arguments are of certain data type // * // **************************************** (function(ts){ for (var z = 0; z < ts.length; z++) { (function(y){ TAFFY["is" + y] = function(c){ return (TAFFY.typeOf(c) == y.toLowerCase()) ? true : false; } } (ts[z])) } } (["String", "Number", "Object", "Array", "Boolean", "Null", "Function", "Undefined"])); // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility isNumeric method // * Return ture if text of sT is made up solely of numbers, false otherwise // * Purpose: Used to determine if arguments are numbers // * // **************************************** TAFFY.isNumeric = function(sT){ var vC = "0123456789"; var IsN = true; for (var i = 0; i < sT.length && IsN == true; i++) { if (vC.indexOf(sT.charAt(i)) == -1) return false; } return IsN; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility isTAFFY method // * Return ture if obj is created by TAFFY() // * Purpose: Used to change behavior if oB is a TAFFY collection // * // **************************************** TAFFY.isTAFFY = function(oB){ return (TAFFY.isObject(oB) && oB.TAFFY) ? true : false; }; // **************************************** // * // * Create public utility EXIT object // * Static value // * Purpose: Return in a forEach function to break out of the loop // * // **************************************** TAFFY.EXIT = {EXIT:true}; }
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