poj 1159 Palindrome

    xiaoxiao2024-12-30  18

    Palindrome Time Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 60664 Accepted: 21132


    A palindrome is a symmetrical string, that is, a string read identically from left to right as well as from right to left. You are to write a program which, given a string, determines the minimal number of characters to be inserted into the string in order to obtain a palindrome.  As an example, by inserting 2 characters, the string "Ab3bd" can be transformed into a palindrome ("dAb3bAd" or "Adb3bdA"). However, inserting fewer than 2 characters does not produce a palindrome. 


    Your program is to read from standard input. The first line contains one integer: the length of the input string N, 3 <= N <= 5000. The second line contains one string with length N. The string is formed from uppercase letters from 'A' to 'Z', lowercase letters from 'a' to 'z' and digits from '0' to '9'. Uppercase and lowercase letters are to be considered distinct.


    Your program is to write to standard output. The first line contains one integer, which is the desired minimal number.

    Sample Input

    5 Ab3bd

    Sample Output



    IOI 2000







    滚动数组不会啊(看起来也挺简单的,got it!),只有用比较简单的方式去做,递推式为:

    if(ch[i]!=ch[i1]) { dp[i][i1]=max(dp[i][i1-1],dp[i+1][i1]); } else { dp[i][i1]=dp[i-1][i1-1]+1; }



    short类型的数组: Source Code Problem: 1159 Code Length: 627B Memory: 49376K Time: 1016MS Language: GCC Result: Accepted #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> short dp[5001][5001]; int max(int a,int b) { if(a>b) { return a; } else { return b; } } int main() { int n,i,i1; char ch[5001]; scanf("%d",&n); scanf("%s",ch); memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp)); for(i=0;n>i;i++) { for(i1=n-1;i1>=0;i1--) //因为逆序的关系i1以及下面的数组与平时是相反的 { if(ch[i]!=ch[i1]) { dp[i+1][n-i1]=max(dp[i+1][n-i1-1],dp[i][n-i1]); } else { dp[i+1][n-i1]=dp[i][n-i1-1]+1; } } } printf("%d",n-dp[n][n]); return 0; } 滚动数组,代码源于书,经过修改(仅仅多了个取余,空间复杂度一下就降了下来,时间也就多了100ms): Source Code Problem: 1159 Code Length: 636B Memory: 396K Time: 1110MS Language: GCC Result: Accepted #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int max(int a,int b) { if(a>b) { return a; } else { return b; } } int main() { int n,i,i1,dp[2][5001]; char ch[5001]; scanf("%d",&n); scanf("%s",ch); memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp)); for(i=0;n>i;i++) { for(i1=n-1;i1>=0;i1--) { if(ch[i]!=ch[i1]) { dp[(i+1)%2][n-i1]=max(dp[(i+1)%2][n-i1-1],dp[i%2][n-i1]); } else { dp[(i+1)%2][n-i1]=dp[i%2][n-i1-1]+1; } } } printf("%d",n-dp[n%2][n]); return 0; }

    转载请注明原文地址: https://ju.6miu.com/read-1295133.html