3845. Cut Stick
Ann meets another problem.
Since she has a n-meter-long stick, she wants to cut it into small ones. Of course she would not let the small sticks shorter than 1 meter. At the same time she is so mean that she can't stand that any three of the small sticks could spell a triangle. That is to say, any 3 of the small sticks can not form a triangle if there are 3 or more small sticks.
You can simple assume that the small sticks only have integer length.
A line contains a positive integer n, which is the length of the long sticks. It does not exceed 10^5.
Print a number -- the maximum number of small sticks Ann could get.
#include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int l; while(~scanf("%d",&l)){ int a=0,b=1,m; for(m=1;;m++){ l-=b; if(a+b>l) break; int tmp=a; a=b; b+=tmp; } printf("%d\n",m); } }
#include <stdio.h> int febo[100001]={1,1}; int main(){ for(int i=2;i<100001;i++) febo[i]=febo[i-1]+febo[i-2]; int l,m; while(~scanf("%d",&l)){ m=0; while(l>=febo[m]) l-=febo[m++]; printf("%d\n",m); } }