Anya loves to watch horror movies. In the best traditions of horror, she will be visited by m ghosts tonight. Anya has lots of candles prepared for the visits, each candle can produce light for exactly t seconds. It takes the girl one second to light one candle. More formally, Anya can spend one second to light one candle, then this candle burns for exactly t seconds and then goes out and can no longer be used.
For each of the m ghosts Anya knows the time at which it comes: the i-th visit will happen wi seconds after midnight, all wi's are distinct. Each visit lasts exactly one second.
What is the minimum number of candles Anya should use so that during each visit, at least r candles are burning? Anya can start to light a candle at any time that is integer number of seconds from midnight, possibly, at the time before midnight. That means, she can start to light a candle integer number of seconds before midnight or integer number of seconds after a midnight, or in other words in any integer moment of time.
InputThe first line contains three integers m, t, r (1 ≤ m, t, r ≤ 300), representing the number of ghosts to visit Anya, the duration of a candle's burning and the minimum number of candles that should burn during each visit.
The next line contains m space-separated numbers wi (1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ wi ≤ 300), the i-th of them repesents at what second after the midnight the i-th ghost will come. All wi's are distinct, they follow in the strictly increasing order.
OutputIf it is possible to make at least r candles burn during each visit, then print the minimum number of candles that Anya needs to light for that.
If that is impossible, print - 1.
Examples input 1 8 3 10 output 3 input 2 10 1 5 8 output 1 input 1 1 3 10 output -1 题意:假如一天晚上有M只鬼要去拜访你家,每欢迎一只鬼的到来需要点r根蜡烛,每根蜡烛的 持续时间为t秒,点蜡烛需要消耗1秒,并且每只鬼在你家只待一秒,问你至少需要点多少蜡烛 才能让所有鬼开心,如果无法满足则输出-1. 题解:此题为典型贪心,要想保证燃烧蜡烛最少只需在鬼来之前点蜡烛即可。 具体过程看代码: #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<string.h> using namespace std; #define maxn 1005 int flag[maxn],vis[maxn];//flag数组标记当前位置有多少根蜡烛在燃烧,vis表示当前位置是否已经点燃蜡烛 int main() { int n,m,i,j,a[maxn],t,r,sum; while(scanf("%d%d%d",&m,&t,&r)!=EOF) { sum=0; memset(flag,0,sizeof(flag)); memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); for(i=1;i<=m;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); a[i]+=500; } for(i=1;i<=m;i++) { if(flag[a[i]]>=r) continue; else { for(j=a[i]-1;j>=a[i]-t;j--) { if(vis[j]==0) { sum++; vis[j]=1; for(int k=j+1;k<=j+t;k++) flag[k]++; } if(flag[a[i]]>=r) break; } } if(flag[a[i]]<r) { sum=-1; break; } } printf("%d\n",sum); } }