[cpp] view plain copy print ? /** * monkey event queue. It takes a script to produce events * * sample script format: * type= raw events * count= 10 * speed= 1.0 * start data >> * captureDispatchPointer(5109520,5109520,0,230.75429,458.1814,0.20784314, * 0.06666667,0,0.0,0.0,65539,0) * captureDispatchKey(5113146,5113146,0,20,0,0,0,0) * captureDispatchFlip(true) * ... */
2)start data后面是执行的命令。
adb shell monkey -f <script file> <运行脚本的次数>
例如,我们放一个脚本到 /sdcard/monkey.script,然后运行:
adb shell monkey -f /sdcard/monkey.script 10,那么这个脚本里面指定的动作就会被执行10次。
有了这个例子之后稍微好办了些,至少有搜索的关键词了,于是用 captureDispatchPointer 很快就找到了一篇自动化测试的文章:
[java] view plain copy print ? "DispatchPointer";"DispatchTrackball";"DispatchKey";"DispatchFlip";这几个最主要的函数 按键事件:参见android.view KeyEvent.java DispatchKey(downTime, //@param: The time (in {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis}) at which this key code originally went down.毫秒 eventTime, //at which this event happened. action, //Action code: either {@link #ACTION_DOWN=0}, {@link #ACTION_UP=1}, or {@link #ACTION_MULTIPLE=2}. code, //The key code. 见附录1, 比如KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN(20)KEYCODE_DPAD_UP(19) repeat, //A repeat count for down events (> 0 if this is after the initial down) or event count for multiple events. metaState, //Flags indicating which meta keys are currently pressed. device, //The device ID that generated the key event. scancode) //Raw device scan code of the event. DispatchPointer,DispatchTrackball(downTime, eventTime, action, x, y, pressure, size, metaState, xPrecision, yPrecision, device, edgeFlags); @action The kind of action being performed -- one of either{@link #ACTION_DOWN=0}, {@link #ACTION_MOVE=1}, {@link #ACTION_UP=2}, or{@link #ACTION_CANCEL=3}. @param x The X coordinate of this event. @param y The Y coordinate of this event. @param pressure The current pressure of this event. The pressure generally ranges from 0 (no pressure at all) to 1 (normal pressure), however values higher than 1 may be generated depending on the calibration of the input device. @param size: A scaled value of the approximate size of the area being pressed touched with the finger. The actual value in pixels corresponding to the finger touch is normalized with a device specific range of values and scaled to a value between 0 and 1. @param metaState The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated. @param xPrecision The precision of the X coordinate being reported. @param yPrecision The precision of the Y coordinate being reported. @param deviceId The id for the device that this event came from. An id of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values. @param edgeFlags A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, where touched by this MotionEvent captureDispatchFlip(true)是否打开滑盖,true是打开
[plain] view plain copy print ? # Start of Script type= user count= 49 speed= 1.0 start data >> LaunchActivity(com.mpowerlabs.coin.android, com.mpowerlabs.coin.android.LoginActivity) # 3120021258 DispatchPress(KEYCODE_3) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_1) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_3) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_5) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_0) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_2) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_1) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_2) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_5) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_8) UserWait(200) # Pin 12345 DispatchPress(KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) UserWait(250) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_1) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_2) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_3) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_4) UserWait(200) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_5) UserWait(200) # Down and enter DispatchPress(KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) UserWait(250) DispatchPress(KEYCODE_ENTER)
[plain] view plain copy print ? DispatchPointer(downTime, eventTime,action, x, y, pressure, size, metaState, xPrecision,yPrecision,device, edgeFlags) @param long downTime //键最初被按下的时间 @param long eventTime //事件发生的时间 @param int action //(ACTION_DOWN=0,ACTION_UP=1,ACTION_MOVE=2,ACTION_CANCEL=3) @param float x //x坐标 @param float y //y坐标 @param float pressure //当前事件的压力,范围0-1 @param float size //触摸的近似值,范围0-1 @param int metaState //当前按下的meta键的标识 @param float xPrecision //x坐标精确值 @param float yPrecision //y坐标精确值 @param int device //事件来源,范围0-x,0表示不来自物理设备 @param int sedgeFlags // DispatchTrackball(long downTime, long eventTime, int action, float x, float y, float pressure, float size, int metaState, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, int device, int edgeFlags) DispatchKey(downTime,eventTime,action,code,repeat,metaState,device,scancode) @param long downTime //键最初被按下的时间 @param long eventTime //事件发生的时间 @param int action //(ACTION_DOWN=0,ACTION_UP=1,ACTION_MULTIPLE=2) @param int code //键值,比如KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN(20) @param int repeat // @param int metaState //当前按下的meta键的标识 @param int device //事件发生的设备id @param int scancode // DispatchFlip(boolean keyboardOpen) DispatchPress(int keyCode) LaunchActivity(String pkg_name, String cl_name) UserWait(long sleeptime) LongPress()