Unit 4-Lecure 2: Conditional Probability

    xiaoxiao2021-03-25  37

    1 Conditional Probility

    1.1 Definition

    Let X and Y be events where Y has positive probability, then


    1.2 The Four Step Method for Conditional Probability

    Find the sample spaceDefine event of intrestDetemine outcome probabilitiesCompute event probabilities

    1.3 Conditional Probability Product Rule

    2 events: Pr[E1E2]=Pr[E1]Pr[E2|E1] 3 events: Pr[E1E2E3]=Pr[E1]Pr[E2|E1]Pr[E3|E1E2]

    2 The Law of Total Probability

    If E1 , E2 , E3 are disjoint and P[E1E2E3]=1 , then:


    3 Bayes’ Rule


    4 Pilosphy of Probability

    In a Bayesian approach, a probability is interpreted as a degree of belief in a proposition.In the frequentist view, the probability of an event represents the fraction of trials in which the event occurred


    [1] Lehman E, Leighton F H, Meyer A R. Mathematics for Computer Science[J]. 2015.

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