
    xiaoxiao2021-03-26  15





    response.setCharacterEncoding(DEFAULT_CHARSET); response.setHeader(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE); PrintWriter pw = null; try { // 输出结果 pw = response.getWriter(); pw.print(result); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { // 释放资源 if (pw != null) pw.flush(); pw.close(); }


    @RequestMapping(value = "/getConfig") @ResponseBody public ServiceConfig getConfig(Integer id) { return new ServiceConfig(); }


    @Slf4j @RestController public class GreetingController { @Autowired TeseService teseService; private static final String template = "Hello, %s!"; private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(); /** * @param name * @return {@link Greeting} * @ApiOperation annotation you can specify things like the default * status * code and the response type being returned when the * operation completes successfully and also provide * documentation for other responses than the regular HTTP 200 * OK. */ @Autowired TaoKeDao taoKeDao; @ApiOperation(value = "greeting", nickname = "greeting", response = Greeting.class) @ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Not found", response = Exception.class), @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Request Successful", response = Greeting.class)}) @RequestMapping(value = "/greeting", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json") public List<TagInfo> greeting( @RequestParam(value = "name", defaultValue = "World") String name, Greeting greeting) { log.info("qingqiu in"); return teseService.test(); } }

            这里就省掉了@ResponseBody注解。当然,难道只有这些!         nono no,实际上Spring-Boot才真的是Spring对于restful接口的支持的最大改变。我们都知道,开始的时候大家使用Spring-MVC来做restful格式接口的书写,但是那时候的MVC依旧支持视图展现啊!也就是说,我们不过是把人家的view那一层忽略而已。         但是SPring-Boot做出的一个改变就是去掉了视图展现,内置tomcat,关于内置的tomcat的各项属相直接就放到一个配置文件中。甚至于,数据源也可以在你那里配置。可以迅速的写一个restful的接口出来。简直妙!当然,毋庸置疑,这两者都有着各自的优点,下面就让阿福来总结一下!



    转载请注明原文地址: https://ju.6miu.com/read-600261.html
