37-3-lesson excerses

    xiaoxiao2021-03-26  23

    As a student, you are not allowed to enter that area. It's for police officers only.

    I just found out that I  can play in the game tonight because they need another person on their team.

    Mila: I can't believe someone robbed my apartment. I didn't notice my laptops were missing at first, because I always let my friends borrow them.

    Mila says she lets people borrow her computers all the time.

    Daniel: You're lucky you weren't home when the burglars were there! I want to find a new house in a different state. Somewhere that's safe!

    Daniel says he wants to find a new place to live.

    Barry: Don't worry. The cops in this area are fantastic at catching criminals.

    Barry says the police in this neighborhood are excellent at finding burglars.

    Eva: Well, I'm going to lock up all of my necklaces, earrings, and bracelets before I go to bed at night.

    Eva says she is going to lock up all her jewelry at night.

    Sammy said that Nahla isn't going to work late tonight.

    Eugenie: Why were you in th hospital? 

    Tess: I had to have surgery on my arm.

    Pinkas: Why are you sitting down? Are you all right?

    Klaudia: Yes, but I feel dizzy.

    My tooth really hurt, so I went to the dentist.

    After Joe's accident, he went to the hospital and the nurse took his blood.

    转载请注明原文地址: https://ju.6miu.com/read-650184.html
