
    xiaoxiao2021-03-26  21



    #include <stdio.h>

    void input(char *p, int n);

    int main(void)


        char a[81];

        int n;

        puts("input the char number of your string:");


        getchar(); //滤去回车

        puts("input your string:");



        return 0;


    void input(char *p, int n)


     int i;

     for (i=0;i<n;i++)

      *(p+i) = getchar();

     *(p+i) = '\0';




    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <ctype.h>

    void input(char *p, int n)

    int main(void)


        char a[81];

     int n;

     puts("input the char number of your string:");


     getchar(); //滤去回车

     puts("input your string:");



        return 0;



    void input(char *p, int n)


     int i;

     for (i=0;i<n;i++)


      *(p+i) = getchar();

      if( isspace(*(p+i)) ) break;


     *(p+i) = '\0';




    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <ctype.h>

    void word(char *p);

    int main(void)


        char a[81];

     puts("input your string:");




        return 0;


    void word(char *p)


     int begin,end;

     for(begin=0; isspace( *(p+begin) ) ;begin++) continue;

     for(end=begin; !isspace( *(p+end) ) ;end++) continue;

     *(p+end) = '\0';

     for(; *(p + begin) != '\0'; p++)

      *p = *(p + begin);

     *p = '\0';




        #include <stdio.h>

    char *mystrchr(char *, char );

    int main(void)


        char str[81];

     char ch;

     char *p;



      puts("input range string:");


      puts("input match char:");

      ch = getchar();


      p = mystrchr(str, ch);

      if ( p )





      else puts("Can't find!");


      puts("input any char except q to go on.");



     while(*str != 'q');


        return 0;


    char *mystrchr(char *p, char ch)


     char *p_save = p;

     if(*p == '\0') return NULL;



      if(*p == ch)


       return p_save;




       if(*++p == '\0') return NULL;

       p_save = p;







    #include <stdio.h>

    int is_within(char *p, char ch);

    int main(void)


        char str[81];

     char ch;



      puts("input range string:");


      puts("input match char:");

      ch = getchar();


      if ( is_within(str, ch) ) puts("Find!");

      else puts("Can't find!");

      puts("input any char except q to go on.");

      ch = getchar();



     while(ch != 'q');


        return 0;



    int is_within(char *p, char ch)


     while(*p != '\0')


      if(*p == ch) return 1;



     return 0;



    strncpy (sl,s2,n)


    #include <stdio.h>

    char *mystrncpy(char *p1, char *p2, int n)

    int main(void)


        char str1[81];

     char str2[81];

     int n;



      puts("input string1:");


      puts("input string2:");


      puts("input the number of copying char:");



      puts("After copying:");

      puts(mystrncpy(str1, str2, n));

      puts("input any char except q to go on.");



     while(*str1 != 'q');



        return 0;



    char *mystrncpy(char *p1, char *p2, int n)


     char *p=p1;

     while(*p1++ != '\0') continue;

     *--p1 = *p2;


     while(n>0 && *p2 != '\0')


      *++p1 = *++p2;



     return p;




    #include <stdio.h>

    char *string_in(char *p1, char *p2);

    int main(void)


        char str1[81];

     char str2[21];

     char *p;



      puts("input range string:");


      puts("input match string:");


      p = string_in(str1, str2);

      if ( p )





      else puts("Can't find!");

      puts("input any char except q to go on.");



     while(*str1 != 'q');


        return 0;


    char *string_in(char *p1, char *p2)


     char *p1_save = p1, *p2_save = p2;

     if(*p1 == '\0' || *p2 == '\0') return NULL;



      if(*p1 == *p2)


       if(*++p2 == '\0') return p1_save;

       if(*++p1 == '\0') return NULL;




       if(*++p1 == '\0') return NULL;

       p1_save = p1;

       p2 = p2_save;






    #include <stdio.h>

    void reverse(char *p);

    int main(void)


        char str[81];



      puts("input a string:");




      puts("input any char except q to go on.");



     while(*str != 'q');


        return 0;



    void reverse(char *p)


     int i,n;

     char temp;

     for(n=0; *(p+n) != '\0'; n++) continue;


     for(i=0; i < n-i; i++)


      temp = p[i];

      p[i] = p[n-i];

      p[n-i] = temp;





    #include <stdio.h>

    void delspace(char *p1);

    int main(void)


        char str[81];



      puts("input a string:");




      puts("input any char except q to go on.");



     while(*str != 'q');


        return 0;



    void delspace(char *p1)


     char *p2;

     while (*p1 != '\0' )


      if (*p1 == ' ')


       p2 = p1;

       while(*p2 != '\0')


        *p2 = *(p2+1);



       p1--; //抵消下面的p1++







    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <string.h>

    #include <ctype.h>

    void origin_put(char **p, int n);

    void ascii_put(char **p, int n);

    void length_put(char **p, int n);

    int first_word_length(char *p);

    int first_word_length(char *p);

    void word_put(char **p, int n);


    int main(void)


        char str[10][81];

     char *p[10];

     char command[10];

     int n;



      n = 0;

      puts("input no more than 10 strings finished by EOF (^Z):");



       if ( gets(str[n]) == NULL ) break;

       p[n] = str[n];



      while( n<10 );


      puts("a. put originally");

      puts("b. put in order of ascii");

      puts("c. put in order of string's length");

      puts("d. put in order of first word's length");

      puts("e. input strings again");

      puts("q. quit");






       case 'a': puts("put originally:");      origin_put(p,n); break;

       case 'b': puts("put in order of ascii:");     ascii_put(p,n);  break;

       case 'c': puts("put in order of string's length:");  length_put(p,n); break;

       case 'd': puts("put in order of first word's length:"); word_put(p,n);   break;

       case 'e': break;

       default :   puts("Quit.");  return 0;



      while( command[0] != 'e' );





    void origin_put(char **p, int n)


     int i;

     for(i=0; i<n; i++)




    void ascii_put(char **p, int n)


     int i,j;

     char *temp;

     for(i=0; i<n; i++)

      for(j=0; j<n-i-1; j++)

       if (strcmp( p[j], p[j+1] ) > 0)


        temp = p[j];

        p[j] = p[j+1];

        p[j+1] = temp;





    void length_put(char **p, int n)


     int i,j;

     char *temp;

     for(i=0; i<n; i++)

      for(j=0; j<n-i-1; j++)

       if ( strlen(p[j]) > strlen(p[j+1]) )


        temp = p[j];

        p[j] = p[j+1];

        p[j+1] = temp;





    int first_word_length(char *p)


     int i=0;

     for (; !isalpha(*p); p++)

      if (*p == '\0') return 0;

     for (i=1; isalpha(p[i]); i++) continue;

     return i;



    void word_put(char **p, int n)


     int i,j;

     char *temp;

     for(i=0; i<n; i++)

      for(j=0; j<n-i-1; j++)

       if ( first_word_length(p[j]) > first_word_length(p[j+1]) )


        temp = p[j];

        p[j] = p[j+1];

        p[j+1] = temp;






    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <ctype.h>


    int main(void)


        int word=0,upper=0,lower=0,punct=0,digit=0,begin=0;

     char ch;

     while( ( ch = getchar() ) != EOF )


      if( isalpha(ch) )


       if (begin == 0)



        begin = 1;



      else begin = 0;

      if( isupper(ch) ) upper++;

      if( islower(ch) ) lower++;

      if( ispunct(ch) ) punct++;

      if( isdigit(ch) ) digit++;



     return 0;


    12/编写一个程序,按照相反的单词顺序显示命令行参数。即,如果命令行参数是see you later,程序的显示应该为later you see。

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <string.h>

    #include <ctype.h>


    int main(void)


     char str[81];

     char *p, temp;

     int i,n,length;


     for (p = str,i=0,n = strlen(str); i<n/2; i++)//将整个字符串倒序


      temp = *(p+n-1-i);

      *(p+n-1-i) = *(p+i);

      *(p+i) = temp;




     p = str;


     do  //将字符串中的每个单词倒序


      if( isalpha(*p) )







        for(i=0; i<length/2; i++)


         temp = *(p-1-i);

         *(p-1-i) = *(p-length+i);

         *(p-length+i) = temp;


       length = 0;



     while(*p++ != '\0');


     return 0;




    #include <stdio.h>

    double mypower(double base, int exp);


    int main(void)


     double base;

     int exp;

     printf("input base number and exp:");

     scanf("%lf%d", &base, &exp);

     printf("%g^%d= %g\n", base, exp, mypower(base,exp) );

     return 0;



    double mypower(double base, int exp)


     double power = 1;

     if (exp<0)

      power = 1/mypower(base, -exp);

     else if (exp>0)

       while( exp-- > 0 )

        power *= base;

     else if(base!=0)

      power = 1;


      power = 1/base;//0的0次幂应是一个无意义数


     return power;




    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    #include <ctype.h>

    double myatof(char *p);


    int main(void)


     char a[30]={0};

     while(a[0] != 'q')


      puts("input a double without +-e:");


      printf("atof: %.5lf\n",atof(a));

      printf("myatof: %.5lf\n",myatof(a));

      printf("difference:%.5lf\n", atof(a) -myatof(a));

      puts("input any char except q to go on.");




     return 0;



    double myatof(char *p)//将字符串转换为浮点型,暂时只限小数点格式(如:342.678)


     double n=0;

     int i=-1;

     while( 1 )


      if (isdigit(*p)) //如果是数字


       n = n*10 + (*p) -'0';

       if(i != -1) i++; //小数位数i计数


      else if ( *p == '.' && i == -1) //如果是第一个小数点

       i=0;  //开启小数位数i计数





     for(; i>0; i--)  //根据小数位数i,将n取为原来的(10^i)分之一

      n /= 10;


     return n;





    ┃    -p       ┃按照原样显示输入          ┃


    ┃    -u       ┃把输入全部转换为大写   ┃


    ┃    -l        ┃把输入全部转换为小写   ┃


    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <ctype.h>


    int main(int argc, char *argv[])


     char ch;

     if (argv[1][0] == '-')  //注意argv[0]是EXE的路径,所以参数是argv[1]、argv[2]……

      if (argv[1][1] == 'u')

       while(( ch=getchar() ) != EOF) putchar( toupper(ch) );

      else if (argv[1][1] == 'l')

       while(( ch=getchar() ) != EOF) putchar( tolower(ch) );

      else if (argv[1][1] == 'p')

       while(( ch=getchar() ) != EOF) putchar(ch);


        return 0;



    转载请注明原文地址: https://ju.6miu.com/read-650295.html
