Ubuntu 下搜狗输入法无法输入中文解决方法(赠福利)

    xiaoxiao2021-03-25  376

    删除~/.config 下 的SogouPY ,SogouPY.users,sogou-qipanel这三个文件夹,重启输入法即可.

    重启方法 : kill 掉fcitx , 然后命令行输入fcitx,然后再启动qimpanel.

    shell 脚本

    #!/bin/sh #This is a convinence for restart sogou input method #For sogou input method alway crash #What you need to do is create a file and name it whatever #you like ,then use command 'chmod a+x your_file_name' and put it into #/usr/bin dicretory. cd $HOME/.config rm -rf SogouPY rm -rf SogouPY.users rm -rf sogou-qimpanel kill $(pidof fcitx) kill $(pidof sogou-qimpanel) fcitx& sogou-qimpanel& echo 'Sogou restarted' exit
    转载请注明原文地址: https://ju.6miu.com/read-69.html
