参考: https://www.nsnam.org/docs/dce/manual/html/dce-user-newapps.html
//https://www.nsnam.org/docs/dce/manual/html/intro.html 下面这个更全面: https://www.nsnam.org/docs/dce/release/1.0/manual/singlehtml/index.html
但是实际上如果要在ns3中使用DCE,只需要 #include "ns3/dce-module.h" 即可。
在DCE的主目录ns-3-dce下有一个myscripts目录。这个目录是用来放你要运行的scripts的。要创建一个新的script,你得在myscripts目录下创建一个新的目录, 然后把你script的源文件和一个配置文件供waf编译系统使用,并且这个配置文件要已wscript为名。可以参考myscripts/ping目录。
$ ./waf --run barThe execution of the apps using DCE generates special files which reflect the execution thereof. On each node DCE creates a directory /var/log, this directory will contain subdirectory whose name is a number. This number is the pid of a process. Each of these directories contains the following files cmdline, status, stdout, stderr. The file cmdline recalls the name of the executable run followed arguments. The file status contains an account of the execution and dating of the start; optionally if the execution is completed there is the date of the stop and the return code. The files stdout and stderr correspond to the standard output of the process in question.